The Self is the place inside us that is not a part.
It’s something that can only exist in the present moment – when your thoughts are not stuck in the past or the future.
It’s a place of compassion to our Self and to others. A place of curiosity, where we allow everything to exist as it is and where we are able to heal. It’s a place of pure joy and love.
It’s essential to remember that our parts do not define our true Self.
Sadly, we are often so blended and overwhelmed with our parts that we can’t see this pure place in our Self – the place OF Self.
But, when we can un-blend from our parts and create distance from them, the Self comes naturally. We don’t have to do anything … it always there – we’re just finally able to connect with it.
There are no bad parts.
Above all else, it’s important to understand that there are no “bad parts.” The parts that you most want to change are often the ones that were created as a form of protection.
When we understand that and give them the space they need, they can begin to heal. We’re not exiling these parts or shaming them. Quite the opposite. We’re filling the darkest spaces with the pure light of love and allowing them to integrate with our true Self.
Then – and only then – can they begin to soften and give us space for our true Self to emerge.